Panel One was the most tedious in my opinion. It was hard to decide what to make my website on, and then it was difficult to figure out how to design it. However, this process was made a lot easier to do thanks to Bootstrap's website with how to apply different components. This process was very trial and error, but I'm satisfied with what I was able to create. However, I think this is my least favorite panel of the three.
Panel Two was really fun because it was a much simplier process of importing my information from the previous panel into such an organized bootstrap template. The most difficult part was finding where in the HTML to paste my content in. I also shifted a little of my content from Panel One to better fit the format of the template. I was looking forward to finishing this panel so I could get to Panel 3.
Panel Three was by far my favorite one to work on. It was so satisfying to transform the CSS for the bootstrap template. Besides Panel One, where I had to code everything from scratch, Panel Three was time consuming because it look a while to find where to make cosmetic changes. I had to rely on the inspect tool on chrome when looking for areas in the code to make changes. It was often confusing because the template had so many different classes to refence to in the CSS. I think this panel is the most satisfying to the eyes because I was able to make changes to the images, colors, and font to make the look more cohesive.